LSD in a Yellow Submarine
The title immediately makes it clear that this story will revolve around the Beatles in some fashion. Although I enjoyed the story itself–especially the creative structure revolving around recreational drugs– it was the design that drew me to the page. I thought the background for the site and the images used set the tone for the storybook really well. The Beatles have so many visual components tied in with their art that it only made sense to include it here as well. I also appreciated the author’s notes included throughout the story that informed the audience of the story’s referential elements. I would love to associate the design of the page itself with the story as strongly as this student did.
This is the storybook I enjoyed reading the most. The introduction is provocative yet informative. The stories themselves are a creative take on existing stories without compromising the myths’ integrity or core message. I’m not as much of a fan of this site’s design, but otherwise, this storybook is my favorite of the bunch. The acknowledgment of representation (or lack of) in foundational myths and the adaptation to address that was a great idea.
This storybook has my favorite format. I love choose-your-own-adventure activities and I think this is such a fun way to convey a message and flesh out the rules of the world in which your story takes place. The writing of this story and excessive use of imagery got confusing for me at times, so I wish it was more streamlined so that I could keep track of what was happening. I would love to use this format in my own project, but I would want to make sure any readers could follow storylines easily and without distractions.
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