For this week's H.E.A.R.T. challenge, I decided to combine this and my extra credit reading and read it out loud. I read about a Chinese civilization's sacrifices to the river god.
I happened to be with a friend, and she said it was okay for me to read it out to her. I noticed that as I read, I definitely took longer since I felt more like an active storyteller than a passive reader. I felt I was contributing to the experience of the story. I also noticed more details and I remembered more of the story once I had finished. A couple of downsides were that it took longer, and also that if I got caught up on a word or phrasing it was hard to refocus back on the story, whereas if I was reading it I likely would've glanced over it. Overall, it was fun and having an actual audience made it even more fun.

Hi Rachel! First of all, I really like how you combined two extra credit assignments together. That is so smart! I'm going to have to try that one of these days. I agree that reading out loud does make take longer. I feel like when I read in my head, I mostly skim instead of actually reading it all. But reading out loud does help in noticing more details for sure!