The story that intrigued me most this section was The Lost Message from South African Folk-Tales by James Honey.
It describes all the different kinds of ants and how disjointed they are. They wanted to form a council to decide how best to hide from predators, but the amount of ants and the amount of predators made this difficult. They didn't end up coming to an agreement, which meant each group was left to defend themselves against their primary predators. The Insect-King tried to send them the skill of cooperation, but he chose a beetle as his messenger and so the skill never arrived. I thought this part was most interesting and also most confusing. What is the insect king, and why was the beetle inadequate? The story doesn't answer these questions but it might be fun to explore.
It describes all the different kinds of ants and how disjointed they are. They wanted to form a council to decide how best to hide from predators, but the amount of ants and the amount of predators made this difficult. They didn't end up coming to an agreement, which meant each group was left to defend themselves against their primary predators. The Insect-King tried to send them the skill of cooperation, but he chose a beetle as his messenger and so the skill never arrived. I thought this part was most interesting and also most confusing. What is the insect king, and why was the beetle inadequate? The story doesn't answer these questions but it might be fun to explore.
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